Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Gato Blanco De Los Camino

Check out my ghetto-fabulous photo studio!
Only the finest oil stained canvas drop cloth for you folks.
So pro.

Carbon fiber top tube and seat tube/mast. Steel lugs.
It was harder than it sounds. More nerve wracking, too.

Press Fit 30! The only oversize bb platform worth fussing over.
The rest are marketing hype without the promised benefits.
Stiffness ain't worth a hill of beans if you have to pedal through constantly roached bearings.

15 pounds as you see it here.

Let's here it for The Thermals!


Little_Jewford said...

thats one pretty ride (Jens black road bike too)!

Jake Mestre said...

Props for the stand. Was it a 6 or 8" caliper?

Anonymous said...

That's a damn awesome way to prop up a bike. Which holds up better- SAE or Metric?